Arise Lazerus!

Pretty comfy in the Arctic Oven Tent, the lantern gave out
plenty of heat even below freezing.

Mark doing a little reading from Leadership

Since the Troopers had a cabin and an outhouse we decided to
visit every now and then, it seemed only


Bear sign, but we did not see any bears on the

Hiding from the rain.

Skinning another caribou, this one Mark shot right in camp
and we had fried tenderloins and onions about 1 hour

Hiding under a spruce from the rain waiting for the caribou
to come walking by.


Al with his 120+ year old rifle.


Happy Birthday to me, this one ran over the hill and gave me
my only shot at exactly 300 yards ( I later Lasered it) It
made for a great birthday and was the last Caribou of the

Al let us do some shooting with his classic
