Brad Potter fishing Ship Creek - no fish that day, it was a
little early.
Joe Scores, Brad spotted the fish and I snuck in there and
stole the action, then handed Brad my camera to take
pictures for proof.
I forgot to mention that I lost the fish, oh
But hey, it was the first King of the year.
Setting up camp at Steelhead campground, pretty crowded but
Jason's trailer made the difference.
Trolling for kings outside of Whiskey Gulch. We had one good
take down but no committment.
Nice halibut, we got over 300 lbs of gross halbibut and
about 200lbs of fillets.
Brad with a nice Turkey.
We were about 6 miles off the coast at about 110 feet
Brad checking out his fish that did not fit in the cooler,
it weighed just under 60lbs - we weighed it.
Coming in on the "tractor factor" these guys are first class
but it can be a little harry trying to get your boat into
the trailer on the way in if the seas are kicking
Show off!
No smile - you can tell that he was not winning the
What a smirk, likly
because he knew he was winning the 20 dollar pot.
We developed a new brand for our fishing services, we
decided to call it "Crappy Charters" we figure this set the
expectations correctly.
Each evening after fishing the morning tide we ran into
Homer, this is behind the people hole where Brad and Jason
were trying to catch a King.
the best thing about Homer is the "Washboard" for 5 bucks
you get a shower and for 1.50 more you get the steam room
shower - you can ask Brad about this - he came out
Jason Evans "Ayak" pulling in another halibut.
Fishing in style, you don't want to work to hard out
While we were waiting for our Halibut to be processed
(spoiled) we fished the Anchor River, I caught a nice 15lb
range king and released it.